Metallurgy in Elanthia-
A Blacksmith's Guide
by Selkar Stonegrotto


    I would like to preface this endeavor with two thoughts to keep in mind throughout your study. Firstly and emphatically, every piece of lore herein contained is hearsay, opinion, logical conclusion, or just a load of rubbish. Rubbish drawn from the minds of some of Elanthia's finest, however. Secondly, I ask you to remember that as advances are made in loresinging and the alchemical sciences these impressions are subject to change, or to be proven false altogether. Lastly, I wish to acknowledge my co-author and friend, Alexiev the dwarf, for all his endless research and keg-tapping (without which this guide would surely have gone unfinished).  Our tome will be comprised of the properties and appearance of Elanthia's metals; we will follow with similar tomes' exploring the nature of wood and stone. Please note that all colors mentioned in regards to specific metals will be paints or metal dyes unless  specifically stated otherwise. The material known as Steel will be the basis for all of our comparisons in the following runes, as it is readily available and is the most commonly used of all metals.

Veil Iron



    Mithril was first mined by the dwarves of Kalaza. The method of forging and working mithril was a closely guarded secret of the dwarves for generations. With the passing of time, however, these methods have been discovered by artisans of all races. It is an uncommon metal mind from veins usually in the darkest of caverns and grottos. Its natural appearance is a bright silvery metal, with a slight blue tone. The weight of mithril is less then that of normal steel, though its density is far greater, as is it's durability. It has one enchantment more than steel in its natural form and will bond easily with another metal, allowing "mithril alloys" to be formed. Magickers are naturally attracted to mithril when considering materials for artifacts and talismans, thanks to the metal's inherent mystical nature.

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    Ora is an extremely hard metal which appears as a flat, metallic gray mineral in its  unrefined form. Through several rituals, the ore can be given different properties, which can be identified by color and often by touch. White ora, which is uncommon, can be sanctified. The far more rare form is black ora, which is unholy in nature. Ora's weight is much the same as steel, however it is much more resilient. The enchantments of the metals are two above steel.   According to some scholars, all ora starts out fairly "normal." One must first perform a religious ritual or sacrifice, which transforms the ore into white or black ora, respectively. Black ora requires yet more secretive rites. The exact methods are unknown to these dwarven scholars. It is known, however, that one first must transform the ore into white ora and then to black.

An excerpt from Conversations  with a Sheruvian, passage 34 verse 2:
On the subject of black ora, Setzier had this to say, "Truthfully, when I held a shard of black ora in my hand, if felt like most other metals; cool to the touch, though it did produce a slight tingling sensation. However I witnessed others handling the black ora and to my amusement it seemed to become fused to their hands, causing them to scream in pain."

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    Iron is one of the more primitive metals and is one of the first metals forged in the days of old. While iron is heavy and bulky, it is still widely used for tools and building supplies that require a stout construction. It is not altogether uncommon to see this metal being forged into the implements of warfare. This is most likely due to the relatively inexpensive cost of this metal. The ore is easily found in many active mines and the kobold tribes that dwell near Wehnimer's Landing had just   such a mine close by the town ages ago. Rumor has it that the old Kobold mine is still active and capable of producing iron ore. Iron does not provide any enchantments.

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    Imflass is a very light and flexible metal. Artisans throughout the years have used this uncommon metal, as it is a non-corroding metal that is slightly stronger then steel. Much like mithril, this metal can be combined with other's to form   alloys. Normal imflass ore, when forged into weapons or armor, will provide about two and a half more enchantments than steel. Imflass is naturally mined   in gullies and crevices; places with receive a good deal of sunlight. It is perhaps for this reason that the metal takes on a slight golden tint when forged and crafted. Some of the more superstitious folk refer to imflass the Gift of Phoen.

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    Glaes is a smoky, almost translucent glass formed from the massive heat of a volcano.   While this volcanic glass may be heavier then metals, but it's strength and malleability far surpasses that of normal steel. Glaes has an enchantment   equal to three above steel and can also be known under a different name, that being 'mein'. These names are two translations of the same word.

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    Vultite is very lightweight streaked silvery-blue ore, although not quite as light as imflass. This metal is very versatile and resilient, lending itself to become anything from fine jewelry to high-grade armor and weaponry. This metal is the   most magical natural substance that is traded in large quantities throughout   Elanthia. And is thus in great demand as a status symbol among the rich.   Vultite can be mined with relative ease as it forms directly on the rock face, rather than being created by pressure deep inside the mountain. Vultite will provide an enchantment four times greater than that of steel.

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    Urnon is an extremely rare metal that is normally in a liquid state, even at room temperature. It is also shapeless when forged. This metal is mainly used in odd gnomish devices (what gnomish device isn't odd?). Urnon is usually a dark steel color with a pearlescent sheen that seems to ripple and flow. It is a point of conjecture on our part as to the usefulness of Urnon as a fine poison. If one somehow manages to form a weapon from this metal in it's delicate liquid-like state, it will have an enchantment four times greater then steel.

From Conversations with a  Sheruvian, verse 24, passage 1:
Setzier says, "Urnon is well... a borderline like Urglaes. Most do not exactly know its origins. It does not have a specific focus, such as holy or unholy. However, as chaos tends to be, one would think it is between both, with its own goal."

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    Rhimar is  n icy metal found only in the coldest and darkest of caverns in the north.   This metal is very rare, and as such special care must be taken when forging it, lest it's inherent cold nature be lost. Rhimar has strength similar to steel. Its weight is also very similar to that of steel, but it will provide one more enchantment.

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    Veins of zorchar ore are most often found atop high mountain peaks. This metal has a slight magnetic attraction to similar substances. And weapons formed of   Zorchar can sometimes be seen to have a slight current of energy coursing   along the blade. That is if a craftsman skilled enough to forge a weapon out of this very rare metal can be found. Such and item would have an enchantment one greater then steel and would release pent-up energy in random intervals in the form of an attack. Despite the higher enchantment, zorchar's strength is very similar to that of steel as is it's density.

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    Invar is a sturdy steel alloy of dwarven make that appears as a non-reflective dull gray metal. While invar may be slightly heavier then typical steel, it is far stronger and often used for wall reinforcements and gate closures as well as   tools of warfare. The dwarves discovered the secrets of crafting invar around the time of the Giant/Dwarven skirmishes and some say this metal was the great equalizer among the two races. The validity of that statement will most likely never be proven. This cunningly crafted alloy has a bit more enchant than steel, approximately one half of an enchant.

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    Vaalorn is another sturdy steel alloy with a glossy golden appearance. Also referred to as vaalor after the elven House Vaalor, its creators and the greatest of elven smiths. It is both lighter and stronger than mannish steel and possess' an enchantment that is slightly less than vultite, making it nearly three and a half enchants greater than steel. Vaalorn is a prime material for metal artistry and quite capable of holding a wicked edge.

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    Drakar is the substance of fire elementals, having a pitted white glass-like form when found as natural ore. Special forges are required to handle this uncommon metal as the heat created by molten drakar is capable of melting stone. When forged, drakar takes on a white-hot glow, which it will retain even after being smelt. Thus, it appears to be blistering to the touch, in fact, it isn't. Many a cold traveler has been known to curl around their blade, in hopes it will warm them, to their dismay. An old dwarven folk-tale recounts that this metal was first created by the ur-daemons themselves as an alloy, since drakar appears nowhere in or under the known world in a natural form. It may be that it does in fact exist deep under the crust of the world far below even the delving of even dwarves and gnomes. When compared to a steel blade you will find it has one more enchantment, yet it's weight and strength are similar. It will also flare with a heat to rival that of the drake weapons.   Dwarven archers are known to favor this metal for their crossbow bolts, for it's ability to ignite with the slightest of sparks.

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    Obsidian, a deep black natural stone, is mined from deep caverns and submerged crevices. The raw ore is rumored to draw blood when touched, although this notion is unfounded and may be nothing but dwarven folklore. Obsidian is very heavy, almost rivaling glaes. This stone will impart an enchantment equal to one less than steel. And is generally not used in armor or weapon crafting as it's brittle nature and dense consistency do not make for a fine tool of warfare. As such, obsidian is mostly in demand by jewelers and seamstresses, as it does lend a fine flair to such ornaments and is not overly expensive.

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    Coraesine is a highly unpredictable substance. In fact, it seems to exhibit a strange kind of self-awareness at times. Weapons formed from this extremely rare ore will become "attuned" to the user after continued use, seemingly growing used to the style of the wielder and becoming accommodating. Before it accepts its owner however, it will sometimes turn in their hands and strike back at them.   Although coraesine weighs more then a comparable amount of steel, it is   stronger as well. As coraesine is highly unpredictable, its enchantment can vary in natural form. Usually a weaponsmith will not know if his weapon will have two or three more enchantments than normal steel until the mold is cast.   Two enchants is the more common form however.

From Conversations with a   Sheruvian, passage 24, verse 3, Setzier was quoted as saying   :
"Coraesine is strange. The ability of the air within its fold... the ability to speed up the wielder's actions for but a spurt of a moment. Also the ability to turn on its own wielder, if it is not used to them."

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    Some people refer to eonake as the metal of the gods. The various temples of Liabo for use often stock weapons forged of this ore by their paladins and crusaders against the horde of Unlife. This is a very costly venture as deposits of this   ore are quite rare. According to the statements of several clergymen over the years, their avatars prefer this metal to even white ora. Eonake is similar in some aspects to white ora, but mainly just in the fact that it is sanctified.   However it has unique properties as well; a weapon forged from this ore will impart an enchantment four greater then steel. Also when one compares the weight of this fine metal to steel, you find that it is slightly lighter.

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    Veniom is an extremely light metal, rivaling the weight of even imflass. If one can manage to purify veniom ore completely, it could rest even on still water.   There is an ancient elven legend of a perfectly purified veniom blade that was   so light that it was said to have tamed even the forces of nature, hanging free in the air. One normally does not make a blade out of veniom, as its slight weight tends to make it a very brittle weapon. Veniom-worked artifacts hold four more enchantments then steel.

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    Found only deep in the bowels of Elanthia, gornar ore is very rare indeed and is often very difficult to mine as it appears very similar to other common rocks and stones, making it tedious to identify and gather. Items crafted from this   earthen ore will often impart an enchantment of one more than steel. Despite this higher enchantment, gornar has similar weight and strength to steel.   Perhaps it is due to this ore's seeming fondness of the ground that it will occasionally release a blast of age-old pent up energy when swung, often knocking an opponent to the ground and injuring them.

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    Faenor is of elvish origin, although it is not exactly an ore. Faenor is more akin to coral. Often found resting in seabeds at the ocean's bottom, this substance is razor-sharp. While it is a porous, organic substance, it is also quite strong.   In fact, it is more durable than steel. A weapon forged from this odd coral   will impart an enchantment just less then two. First discovered and worked by the elves of Ta'Ashrim, the secret of this coral was all but lost when the race was nearly destroyed. It is said that there are a still a few living craftsman that know the secrets of Faenor.

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    Krodera is an intriguing metal, dark and unreflective to the eye. It can best be described as being anti-magic in nature, at times capable of absorbing or deflecting spells cast upon the bearer of the metal. Due to this ability, it is often used to cover shields and adorn suits of armor. Krodera armor is often highly sought after by adventurers expecting to face magical resistance.   While such items are very formidable, they are also very rare. Krodera has one enchant greater than steel and weighs about the same.

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    One of the most mysterious and wonderful metals yet discovered, vaalin is a very beautiful substance, even in its translucent natural state. But when a master craftsman works it, lovely patterns and opalescent hues can be brought forth from an orb of raw vaalin, like oil upon water. Very little is know of the properties of vaalin at the time of this writing, as it remains extremely rare and very few merchants can work with it at all. It doesn't suit weapon crafting as its form is very malleable and flexible. Perhaps it has an internal fortitude, and none have yet discovered the methods of invoking that   virtue with the tongs and bellows.

From Appendice IV, Merchants of  Elanthia; Filifor- p.p. 242-4:
Filifor says, "[Vaalin] tis a   truly lovely substance, Selkar. Tha bests I kin describe it is.. like a pearl.. only more transparent." Filifor continues, "I've spent most of me life learnin' ta works with vaalin and haves made it me specialty. Ifs ye were ta looks back over all tha stuffs I've made over the past few years, ye would see preponderance of vaalin and rolaren among the items."

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Veil Iron

    Veil iron is perhaps the most rare of all metallic specimens found on Elanthia. It is meteoric in nature, being found only in large canyons and impact craters older than civilization   itself. The very limited quantity of this metal justifies its exorbitant price, even is very small quantities and despite its potential hazards. High Priests often wield a scepter or mace of veil iron as it is the only natural substance in existence to remain in a blessed state in the hands of any wielder. This ability alone makes it nearly priceless when fashioned into a weapon, not even considering the natural enchantment of five times mannish steel. It should be stated as a cautionary note, that veil iron has an insidious way of draining magical enchants and manna baubles and artifacts alike. It is quite dense and weighty due to its composition of alien minerals and the vacuums of the outer valences from which it descended.

An excerpt from Conversation with  a Sheruvian - prologue:
Setzier says, "A High Legend Clerical hero of the Liabo Pantheon prepared for a upcoming battle... He had received a   present from an unknown person, and opened it up to find it an elaborate sheath. The hero, gasped in surprise and wore the sheath for the battle. He placed a weapon, rumored to be forged by the Gods themselves, within it. When he entered the battlefield, and removed the blade... Well... the weapon had turned to dust, and the cleric was slain. It was found out it was a veil iron sheath... sent by the enemy.

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    Rolaren   is a highly prized alloy among weapon and armorsmiths. This bright silvery reflective material is both brilliant to behold and formidable to wield in battle. It's was originally mined and forged by the Giantmen tribes of ancient days, to be used against the dwarves in the great wars that would follow. It is said that the only rolaren items left in the world were forged by these peoples and the secret lost forever when they perished, however another rumor holds that an alloy of imflass and glaes combine to create pure rolaren.   Weapons crafted of this material carry an enchantment four times greater than that of steel. Rolaren is incredibly strong and durable, a fact proven by the existence of notch free blades and ax-heads created over a thousand years previous.

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    A meta  of a natural deep red hue with a slightly mottled appearance, Golvern remains one of the finest metals for the crafting of weapons and other implements of warfare. Predictably of dwarven origins, golvern is a strange alloy of stone and metal fused under great pressure. This is the only known example of such an experiment and its usefulness proves the efforts of its creators'  worthwhile. Its bears five enchants greater than that of steel and is one of the most durable alloys ever made.

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    Another of the recently discovered alloys, razern is capable of being folded thousands of times, creating a sharpness unrivaled by other natural substances. This attribute allows weapons crafted of razern to inflict grievous wounds, without   the addition of any balancing or weighting at the hands of weaponsmith. It's naturally twice the enchantment of steel and is almost identical in appearance, the only difference brought forth and exaggerated by the artisans themselves with the addition of saw-tooth blades, barbed spear heads, flanged maces, and the like.

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    Bronze is another one of the oldest metals currently in use in Elanthia. It was first fashioned into crude instruments of warfare by ancient tribes. As time progressed, so did the techniques used to cast bronze. Now it is used mainly for decorating the facades, jewelry, armor, and other such gilding. However, if one were to craft a weapon from this common metal, it would impart one less enchantment than steel, although it would be slightly less encumbering.

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    This metal has a most distinct appearance, that of swirled mithril and gold. It is specially alloyed by the dwarves, using the two metals. They merge mithril and gold in spirals, lending the items they craft a spiraled or banded two-tone design. These items are highly sought after as ceremonial items and noble toys   for the children of the rich. However, it should not be overlooked that mithglin can be forged into a decent weapon or suit of mail, being three times as magical as steel and quite a bit stronger.

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    Kelyn is dark elvish in origin and is quite pliable and easily worked with the   knowledge of its true nature. This makes it ideal for tools that require precision, such as lockpicks, musical instruments, jewelry, and magical rituals. It has thrice the enchantment of steel and appears as a flat black, slightly ridged metal, somewhat rough to the touch. Very rarely will traveling   merchants stock items crafted of this metal as the masters of kelyn dislike   trading with outsiders.

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    Urglaes is volcanic glass found only at the heart of an active volcano. It runs in streams of molten lava in caverns that no mortal eyes shall ever witness, near the center of the world itself. Urglaes is almost certainly the creation of the Ur-Daemons of old. As such it is far too dangerous to work without the protection of extreme magical measures and the aid of otherworldly avatars.   Age-old hieroglyphs depict Urglaes as an entity unto itself, embodying the   essence of darkness. It's enchantment being different if crafted into weapons (over twice that of steel) and armor (nearly five times that of steel).   Caution is urged when dealing with this substance.

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